Bonus FMV sequence: Win all trophies in the game to unlock the Season 2001 Review FMV sequence in the "Player Review" menu. This includes trophies for Custom GP Championship, Full Cham...
Квалификационный заезд: Во время квалификационного заезда ты можешь нарезать любое количество кругов. Поэтому исследуй все возможности своего болида - и свои, кстати, тоже. Отмечай все сло...
Выбор уровня: После своего имени в профайле через точку набрать F3ARDAY1 (например, name. F3ARDAY1). Как получить очки Gamerscore: Brawler (5 очков): убить 50 врагов из Punches или Rifl...
Kyoshin Poseidon characters and uniforms: Successfully complete Story mode with the Game Boy Advance game Eyeshield 21: Devilbats Devildays in the cartridge slot to unlock Kengo Mizumachi ...
Hints: Pantry There is a small alcove named Pantry in level 5. Drop five rations here to receive experience and transform them into Iron rations. Nest room Drop ten eggs in a single ...
Easy Money: At the Golden Hammer Inn on floor 1, talk to the dwarf that makes new rosters for your party. If your party is already full, remove some party members, but do not delete them i...
Goal Mode: Complete all decks when playing against the CPU under the Normal difficulty setting and using the "Official Layout" option. Goal mode will be unlocked after the Arbite...
Infinite Shields/Boost: At any point on the title screen, on any controller press (all the way): R, L, Z and repeat this a few times (the timing is a little odd) and you will get a message sayin...
Bonus trick medallion: Under the easy difficulty setting, choose Maui. Towards the end of the race (snowboarding), go to the left on the last grind rail.