Survive: Most of the time you can survive by going to the first level. Just walk straight ahead and do not stop, no matter what. When you get hit, wands will fall off and you can pick them...
Enter X3YSV3!P as a password. You will be able to select any level, and unlock the 100 Coins, 10 Tries, Powerup Decoy (balloon), Powerup Weapon, Powerup Controls (confusion), and Powerup F...
Episode Control: Press Left to rewind the episode. Press Right to fast forward the episode. Press Select to exit the episode. Press Start to pause the episode
Aquire Avo's Tear To have Avo's Tear is easy, first when you have killed Jack of Blades and the choice to throw the sword, or kill your sister and have'it, then chose to throw it,...
Easy money: Start a game of Keystones. Place your arch bet on 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, or 14. Press X. Do not place any inside bets. Press X until your arch stone is rolled. Collect your money and...
Легкая привлекательность +100: Используйте эти стили волос: The Pudding Basin - волосы Power Moustache - усы Multon Chop Beard - борода Леди будут падать перед вами на колени![b...
Easy Attractive +100: To get that ol' complexion looking nice to the ladies, with no tattoos involved (those are optional). Get these hair styles: The Pudding Basin - Hair Power...