Максимум жизней и магии: Вы можете максимизировать ваши жизни на водной стадии игры. Сначала доберитесь вашим путем до второй стадии к точке, где имеются платформы, которые поднимаются. Как т...
Begin game play and reach the water level. Find the location in the second stage with platforms that go up. Jump to the top of the platforms to collect an ex...
Неограниченное количество жизней Вставьте в систему кассету "Thunderforce II" и перейдите к экрану опций. Выберите тренировочное задание Уровня 5 с пятью персонажами. Выньте "T...
Get fireworks at the end of a level: In order to get fireworks to go off after you beat a level, simply finish the level when the last number in the Time is either a 1, 3, or 6. The number...
Full weapons: Press Select(10) at the title screen. Then, hold Up/Left + A + B and press Start(2). Press Select during game play to switch between the five shot weapon and the laser.
Easy experience: This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level and neutral or friendly with NCR. Go to Camp McCarran, and talk to Sergeant Bitter-Root. You should be able to find him in one...
V.A.T.S. Spotting: If you're heading into seemingly-hostile territory or simply want to survey the area around you for enemies you might not yet see, try hitting the VATS button over a...