Black Jack mini-game (Japanese version): At the end of the game where the "The End" screen appears, press R2, L1, R2, R2, UP, X, RIGHT, Circle, DOWN, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, ...
How to get cloud: When you are in the missile base [note you must have Irvin and Zell on your team. Once you are in the missile base and you get all the way to the compuyer room know matter how ...
Мошенничество с деньгами: Отправляйтесь в город Манчария и зайдите в правый верхний угол дома (северный). Нажмите X, стоя перед часами. Получив карту, пользуйтесь ею, пока у вас не оста...
Unlimited health: When you have Regal (healing that continuously marks up HP), use it with that character (Make sure you have All attached to it.) Use a different spell and when he is casting it...
Completion bonus: Successfully complete the game. Load the cleared game file, and continue the game. Go to Namingway to play new challenge dungeons. There is one for both the base game and...
Completion bonuses: Complete the game and continue from your cleared saved game file, then explore the surface of the moon until you see a face-shaped rock. Enter it to access a fifty leve...
Dragoon: 9999 Score in Kain's minigame. Easy Max Score on Rydia's Mathemagic Minute If you're stumped on getting the max score (9999) on Rydia's Mathemagic Minute, there...
Best jobs for start of the game: The four best jobs you should have when you first get to use the jobs is a Warrior, Black Mage, White mage, and Red Mage. These four jobs should help you a...
Select "Item" and press A on an empty slot during a battle. Move up until the equipment in that characters left and right hands appears. Press A on the w...
Silk Thread: Чтобы получить Silk Thread достаточно победить Crawlers а East Sartabaruta. Sheep Leather: Чтобы получить Sheep Leather надо синтезировать маску Гоблина при помощи Wind Cry...
FF1 Mini Game: While on the ship, hold down A and keep tapping B. Soon, a sliding tile minigame will appear. The aim of the game is to put the numbered tiles in order from 1 to 15. If you ...
Secret Area: Unlockable How to unlock Earthgift Shrine - Defeat Lich in the Cavern of Earth. Hellfire Chasm - Defeat Marilith in the Mount Gulg. Labyrinth of Time - Defeat ...
Секрет: Занеси своих героев на борт корабля и, удерживая кнопку А, 55 раз нажми кнопку В. Появится числовая головоломка. Цифры можно переставлять кнопкой А. Кнопка В - возврат к обычной игре.[br...
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