Unlocking Items: By winning Seeker, Passing, shooting, tackling, and Bludger challenges you will unlock extra items. By winning Quidditch World Cup matches you will unlock team photos, sta...
Transfiguration spell Taught in transfiguration lesson. Gets rid of object (files of books etc.) that are put over switches by turning them into birds.
Transfiguration spell: Taught in transfiguration lesson. Gets rid of object (files of books etc.) that are put over switches by turning them into birds. [b...
Постоянные щиты: Пока вы находитесь в меню EXTRA, выберите "Клуб дуэлей". После того, как вы выберите команду, начинаете поединок. В течение поединка, используйте Expelliarmus за...
Постоянные щиты: Пока вы находитесь в меню EXTRA, выберите "Клуб дуэлей". После того, как вы выберите команду, начинаете поединок. В течение поединка, используйте Expelliarmus за...
Permanent shield: While you are in the extras menu, select "Dueling Club". After you select a team, begin dueling. During the duel, press your Expelliarmus spell two times in a r...
Легкие бобы: Вы можете получить много бобов и Wiggenweild зелий в ванне Fred and Georges. Играйте за Рона и идите в заднюю комнату. Подойдите к одеждам и нажмите Х. Бобы и зелья иногда буд...
Easy Beans: You can get lots of beans and Wiggenweild Potions in Fred and Georges bathroom. Play as Ron and go to the back room. Go up to the robes and press X for both sides. Beans and[br...
Defeating The Professor Lupin: After you rescue Buckbeak, you must fight Professor Lupin when he turns into a werewolf. First, use Fumos with Hermione if she goes first. Fumos will cover B...
Трофеи: Characters Cup: встретить всех 58 персонажей в Хогварде. Defence Against the Dark Arts Cup: использовать все защитные заклинания в 6 дуэлях. House Ghost Cup: найти всех четырех ...
Комната трофеев: Успешно завершите следующие задачи, чтобы открыть трофеи: Characters Cup - Встретьте всех 58 персонажей в Хогвартс Defense Against The Dark Arts Cup - Сотворите всё защитн...
Room Of Rewards trophies: Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy: Characters Cup: Meet all 58 characters in Hogwarts. Defence Against The Dark Arts Cup...
Easy victory in duels: When dueling, use Levicorpus on your opponent. Then, while he or she is up in the air, get as close as you can to them. Charge Stupefy as much as possible (the light...