Продолжение при игре вдвоем: Игрок, который погибает первым, должен нажать А, В, Вверх, Вправо на своем пульте. Теперь можно продолжать игру со следующими тремя жизнями.
Continue game play Press A, B(2), A after losing, but before game over screen appears. Note: This code may not be enabled during the last level of the game.
Секреты: Танк окажется в твоем распоряжении, если нажать кнопку В. Если игра закончилась, а ты хочешь продолжать, то до того, как на экране загорится надпись "GAME OVER" нажми А, В,...
Get Easy Money At the options screen select "Simulation". Once you have gained your racing license and have a decent car, select the "Racing Calendar" option. Select th...
Cheat mode: At the main menu, select the "New Game" option, then choose the "Season" selection. Choose an empty saved game slot, then enter one of the following case-se...
To activate these codes, first press R and Z simultaneously on the main menu to access the Enter Cheat screen. Now type in the code word. After a code is entered, press Start to activate it. If a c...
Обнаружение Йорда (Finding Yorda): Когда в последнем уровне с рожками Ико (Ico's horns) отрезаными на пляже, подойдите к оставленым на берегу пляжа, чтобы найти Йорда (Yorda).
Destroying the Smoke Creatures easily If you enter a room, and it is a clear run to the portal on the other side, take Yorda by the hand and run her to the portal with the black Smoke Crea...
Cheat mode: Complete the first fifteen missions under the "Graduate" difficulty setting. A cheat menu with unlimited health, unlimited ammunition, mission select option will now ...
No goalies Hold A + B on both controllers, then press Start on controller one at the at the title screen. Note: This code may only be enabled in single player mode.
Frictionless puck Select the teams you want to play with but do not press Start. Hold A and B on Controllers 1 and 2 and press Start on Controller 2 for a frictionless puck.