Extra modes: After beating the East's section of the game go to the main menu and you will be able to see all the routes that you took. In your next game, you will also be able to play as th...
Play as a student: At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, and choose a character. You will get a different student for each character you choose.
Alternate stages:: Select versus mode, then hold Select when choosing a stage at the selection screen. Note: Only some stages have an alternate version.
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Step 1 (5 очков): победить в онлайне. Step 2 (10 очков): победить в онлайне 3 раза. Step 3 (15 очков): победить в онлайне 5 раз и попасть в топ 80%. Step 4...
Press X, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, Start at the title screen. Press Left or Right to select a level, then select the "Exit" option. Begin game play to start on ...
Automatic home run: Wait until you are controlling Ken Griffey Jr. at bat. Press Left, Left, Right, Right, Right Left, Left. Successfully hit the ball for a home run.
Cheat Codes: (Select the "Extras" option, then choose "Cheats". Enter code below at the cell phone. An "Unlocked" message will confirm correct code entry.)
Select the "Extras" option, then choose "Cheats". Enter following code at the cell phone: 7145558092 - Master code 2125551776 - Maximum stats 6195554141 - All boards[br...
Unlock EX Stages: There is actually a purpose to collecting those Sun Fragments in each stage. If you get all of them in a world, an EX level is unlocked for you to play. In order to play ...