Status Password Game 2 MLNPGHQFTBV725SHZJ4D1LCVB[Heart] Game 3 MLNPGHQFTBV725S2F3KYG5WBB2 Final game MLNPGHQFTBV725SHZJ4D1LWVB3 Titan final game BNGFJLMQZTW1346WD3GZK51WL& Crown fina...
Управлять Cucco: Когда найдете Cucco, ударьте его восемь раз, чтобы управлять им. Легче всего это сделать, после того как найдете Железные Ботинки(Iron Boots). Выйдите из здания, чтобы най...
Catching a fish: At the beginning of the game, you must catch two fish. Go to the area where you see the cat, then begin fishing from the dock. Throw the line into the water and wait until...
Blue Potions: Use the grappling hook on the monster plants on the island with the big tree to obtain a venus flytrap item. This item can be traded to the plant shaman inside the big tree's c...
Super passwords: Enter the following password into a new file under the "Secrets" selection. Your name will be Link, and it will be just like a brand new file of a Seasons "...
Invisible grass In the Kokiri Forest find the grass that you can walk through and back flip or side jump through it. If you do it properly then the grass will turn invisible and you can se...
Бесконечные деньги: Играя в игру с краном (crane game), и схватите две монеты, когда тень от крана будет падать на левую верхнюю ленту конвейера. Подождите пока вещь, которая вам нужна нач...
Unlimited Money: Play the crane game and grab the two rupees by placing the crane's shadow on the upper left hand of the conveyer belt. Wait until the item you want is about halfway be...
Chris Houlihan room: Start at the Sanctuary and run south with the Pegasus Shoes until you are outside. Then, run south and stop before you hit the barrier. Proceed to run west until you a...
Unlock Sword Beam in Four Swords: Play Link to the Past and get the Master Sword in the Lost Woods (you will need all three amulets for this). Once you have the Master Sword, save your gam...
Refill Red Water of Life: If you bought a red-colored Water of Life, when you use it once, it turns blue, meaning you can only use it once more before it disappears. To refill it from blue...