Get Lots of Money: After defeating the Butler in the Butler's room, use the Game Boy Horror and scan the mousehole in the corner by the door. This will open up a portal to a secret room wher...
Простые деньги (Easy money): Пойдите в город Ордэнс (Ordens). Пойдите в магазин с изделиями и купите весь Синий Чай, который вы сможете купить за 100, затем продайте его назад за 150. Вы с...
Easy money: Go to the town of Ordens. Go to the item shop and buy all the Blue Tea you can for 100, then sell them back for 150. You can buy 99 for 9900, but when you sell back 66 you gain...
Unlock little people: To unlock the minis, go to the character select screen and push up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. A voice will tell you if you have done it correctly. ...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Complete A Hat Trick (25 очков): сделать хет-трик в режиме Japan Team Story. Clear Japan Team Story (25 очков): пройти режим Japan Team Story. Very Hard (150 ...
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points: Complete A Hat Trick (25 points) - Score a hat trick in Japan Team Story mode Clear Japan Team Story (25 points) -...