Select the "New Season" option from the main menu. Enter the Playoffs. A list of games will be displayed. Press Start to display a new list. Repeat this act...
Press B, A, C, A, C at the main menu. The word "Pow" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. The Jacksonville Jaguars and Carolina Panthers will app...
Select a playoff game and press Start. All games will be flagged as finished. Move right and press Start again. Repeat this procedure until the final game is reach...
Always have first pick in draft: Start a franchise with the trade deadline off. Sim or play the season to Week 17. Find out which team has the worst record. Trade your first draft pick for...
Easy touchdown: Off the line, without speed burst, instantly juke right then left. The CB will be fooled. Speed burst, run a 45 degree angle to the center of the field, and call for the ba...
Режим Суперзвезды (Superstar mode): Лучший агент (Better agent): Ответьте на вопросы интервью как игрок команды. Затем, когда Вы нанимаете агента, большинство из них будет хотеть подписать...
Под раздражающими картами, подсветятся раздраженные коды чуть-чуть ниже меню и нажмите Х. Игра запросит у вас ввести код. Введите следующие коды, чтобы получить эти карты (в зависимости от регис...
Under Madden Cards, highlight Madden Codes on the drop down menu and press x. The game will prompt you to enter a code. Enter the following codes to obtain these Cheat Cards: (case sensitive)...
Unlock Cheats Go to My Madden at the menu, select My Madden, then go to Madden Cards. Select Madden Codes. Enter the case-sensitive code to unlock the corresponding cheats: