Открыть все режимы: Закончите игру в Detective Mode, чтобы открыть Hard-Boiled Mode, New York Minute Mode, Dead Man Walking Mode, и опцию выбора главы(части) игры. Закончите игру в Hard-Bo...
Unlock Modes: Finish the game on Detective Mode to unlock Hard-Boiled Mode, New York Minute Mode, Dead Man Walking Mode, and the Jump to Chapter option. Finish the game on Hard-Boiled M...
Открыть режим кодов: В главном меню, удерживая L + R, нажмите left anolog stick + right analog stick, а затем быстро Black, Black, White, Black, White, Black, White.
Cheat Mode Start a game. Press Back during the game to display the main menu. Then, hold L and R, click Left Analog-stick and click Right Analog- stick, then quickly press White, Black, Black, W...
Infinite Ammo,Super Cop, and All Weapons: All Weapons - Complete the game once Infinite Ammo - Complete the game once Super Cop - Complete the game once
Defeating Drill Bot: In the "Mine Is It Anyway?" level, stand inside the divot in the ground, and shoot the Drill Bot. When it extends its drills, it is about to charge. Once thi...
В режиме паузы вводите следующие чит коды: X, Влево, Вверх, Вправо - ровный баланс влево, вниз, Y, B, вверх, влево, Y, X - неограниченная полоска Special вверх, вверх, вверх,...
During gameplay, pause the game and: 10x Trick Score Multiplier - Hold L1 and press Square, Circle(x2), UP, DOWN(x2) +8 Mins. Of Extra Trick Time (Career Mode) - Hold L1 a...