Easy Zennies: Go to the Apple Market and look for a small yellow can near the entrance. Kick the can over teh counter and the shopkeeper will give you a good 1,000 Zennies for picking up litter....
Super password Enter A1 A4 B5 E2 F1 F3 as a password to start game play with all weapons and items. Super blaster Intentionally lost a life four times in the exact same location, then cont...
Неуязвимость и сверхвысокие прыжки: На одном из следующих уровней Needle Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Gemini Man специально падай в дыру. При этом одновременно удерживая А на первом пульте и Впра...
Airman-Wily stage 2 warp glitch: During the boss fight with Airman, use Item 1 so that the platform is created on the far left side. Jump on the platform, and you'll notice that it alr...
Birds Select a starting level, press Start, then immediately hold A + B and press the D-pad in the direction of the displayed Boss. The stars in the background will change into birds.
Дополнительные "жизни": Иди на уровень Air Man, включи свой Leaf Shield и иди в зону с птицами. Замри, Leaf Shield уничтожает птиц и если ты подождешь достаточно долго, птицы, погибая,...
Iceman stage glitch: There is a point in the Iceman stage where you try to get a 1-up but often miss it. When you drop down to the next screen (the one before the Big Eye), use your magnet...
Extra damage Use the Cutman blade or Elecman beam to hit an opponent. Rapidly tap Start or Select repeatedly when your opponent is hit by the weapon to allow the single hit to be counted as mult...
Обычное оружие применяй против следующих противников: Bombman, Fireman, Gutsman, Cutman, Bubble Ships. Электрическое оружие применяй против противников: Iceman, Rock Monster. Против Ilecma...
Коды: World 1 Stage 2:6800 World 1 Stage 3:5120 World 1 Boss: 7420 World 2 Stage 1:4501 World 2 Stage 2:8111 World 2 Stage 3:7421 World 2 Stage 4:1051 World 2 Boss: 3351...