Title Screen Star Marks: Accomplish something in-game to recieve these different icons on your New Game/Continue screen. Getting them all will also result something new to appear on the sc...
How to gain Zero's Buster: If you pass over the X-Buster upgrade found in a Dr. Light capsule during the game, you will be rewarded later in the Sigma Fortress by gaining access to Zer...
Временная непобедимость: Удерживая L1 или R1, подпрыгните, чтобы катиться к другой стороне. Этот маневр на короткое время делает Megaman'a непобедимым.
Бесплатные деньги: На базаре есть оранжевый контейнер. Копайте его сзади прилавка (счетчика) Jet Bakery (Быстрой Пекарни). Появится сообщение что вы получили бесплатные 1000 Zennys. Выйдит...
Free Money: In the market, there is an orange can. Proceed to kick it behind the counter of the Jet Bakery. A message will say you have received a free 1000 Zennys. Leave the room, and ret...
Xtreme mode Successfully complete the game with either Zero or X. Iris will talk to you and the game will end. When you load that saved game, you will be in Xtreme Mode. Xtreme Mode will a...
Navi Compression codes: Зайдите на экран Navi Customizer и подсветите обозначенный Navi Customizer Program. После, удерживайте вправо и нажмите одну из комбинаций кнопок, чтобы сжать это.[...
Navi Compression codes: Enter the Navi Customizer screen and highlight the indicated Navi Customizer Program. Then, hold Right and press one of the following button combinations to compres...
Secret Boss: To get past the gate in Ura Internet area 5, you need all 150 regular chips. Once you get past it, you can fight the secret boss, Forte, and get his chip, Forte.
Secret Boss: To get past the gate in Ura Internet area 5, you need all 150 regular chips. Once you get past it, you can fight the secret boss, Forte, and get his chip, Forte Another [br...