Demo Theatre: Start a new game on Disc 1: Subsistence, then save the game. The Demo Theatre option will now be available on Disc 1: Subsistence at the main menu.
Control title screen: Press L3 to change the background pattern color. Press R1 or R2 to control its speed. Press L1 to place the black silhouette from the foreground to the background. Pr...
Control intermission sequences: Much like the Codec transmissions, you can also press L or R to zoom in during an intermission. The harder you press, the more the zoom. You will hear a gunshot. ...
Guard from Shadow Moses: After you gain access to the directional microphone in Shell Core 1, B2, proceed to find Ames like the cyborg said. Once you find Ames (he is sitting next to the only ta...
Cool things to try: Go into the room where the guards lockers are. Open up the locker in the far upper left corner and there will be a poster of an oriental woman in a black bikini. Press up aga...
Бандана: Вы получите этот черный платок если вам удастся пройти игру так, чтобы Мерил осталась в живых. Тогда она подарит вам платок в финальном видеофрагменте. После того,...
Beat Torture scene easy: IF you own a Performance Playstation controller or any other knock-off controller with an auto-fire button, you can beat the torture scene repeatedly without losing any ...
Sound menu Complete the VR training missions with a 100% ranking. The sound menu will be unlocked at the options screen and allows all game sounds and music to be played.
Вводите данные пароли в экране паролей. Вы получите их, как только загрузите свою сохраненную игру. Card No.161 - Viper Viper Card No.166 - Mika Slayton Mika Card No.170 - Karen Houjou ...
Enter these passwords at the password screen. You'll obtain them as you load your saved games: Card No.161 - Viper Viper Card No.166 - Mika Slayton Mika Card No.170 - Karen Houjou K...
В главном меню выберите Password после чего вводите следующие пароли: Elyts - Получить карту #.202 - Saitou Yuu Karen - Получить карту #.182 - Karen Houjou Jehuty - Получить карту #.1...