Select the punt play. Press Start and substitute the punter with a player with a speed rating of at least 80 as the players line up. Move your player near one of the si...
Begin a two player game and allow one player to collect all the power-ups until the corresponding morph meter is full. Wait until the other player's pink life bar is...
Подсказка: Для того чтобы уничтожить всех окруживших вас противников, нажмите кнопку А и удерживайте ее до тех пор, пока "Power Ranger" не начнет мигать.
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, B, Y, A at the player number selection screen. Lightning will flash to confirm correct code entry. Game play will begin with each Power Ran...
Секреты: Если на пятом уровне ты ударишь по вывеске с изображением цыпленка-табака, то твоя энергия восстановится. У одного из персонажей, а именно у Хагарда, уровень энергии на два деления б...
Level skip Enter a "Royal Palace" room at the end of a level, where the bombs may be collected. Take one bomb, then find the bomb that will explode. Collect all the other bombs, and ta...
50000 очков: Ты можешь зарабатывать их при выходе из Дворцовой комнаты в конце каждого уровня, если соберешь все Огненные Бомбы по порядку, начиная с первой.
First trade all the clubs to the leaders (you cant do this with a bought club), back pack and make sure to leave the sixth slot open. Now buy something or w...
Enter DOE_MIESTER at the Mirror portal to begin with your funds at 2,000,000. Note: There is no penalty at level one when asking Mr. Wizard for assistance to ret...
Select the "View Character" option and wait until the dot moves on the character list. Hold Left + A + C (in that order). Release the buttons to display a ...
New items Begin a game, create a part at the Sorpigal Inn, then select the "Camp" option. Use the "Trade" option to place all of the clubs into the lead character's inven...