Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore. 1UP (80) Complete a full Arcade Mode season without using a continue. Back to my place...? (10) Host a multi...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: MotoGP Champion - Rookie (10 очков): пройти сезон Grand Prix в режиме карьера на сложности Rookie. MotoGP Champion - Pro (15 очков): пройти сезон Grand Prix в...
Открыть мотоцикл USA Extreme: На экране GAME MODE нажать: вправо, вверх, B, B, A, B, вверх, B, B, A. Как получить очки Gamerscore: Challenge Expert - 30 pts: пройти 50 соревнований. Cha...
Pick up hitchhikers Do back flips off certain ramps in any level to pick up hitchhikers on skateboards. Once you crash, you will lose your hitchhiker(s).
Time trial password: Select the "Save/Load" option at the main menu. Select "Records", then "Time Trial". Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Select to convert each of...
go to the 4th level and you start out in the far left corner. Look to the right until you see a logo of n'gage ramp the ramp underneath it and you will have a n'gage logo and a guy and vehi...