Galaga "No Shooting" for the entire game: 1. On the FIRST level, you must eliminate all enemies but the 2 leftmost bee's (the leftmost being the 2 bees that are all the way to the ...
Make the Galagas stop firing Just like in the arcade version of Galaga, you can make the enemies stop firing missiles. In round 1, kill everything but the two left flies on the bottom row....
Прыжки на лыжах длиннее: Когда выполняете прыжок на лыжах ждите пока ветер станет 2 с половиной, чтобы он указывал вниз, затем нажмите кнопку. Ветер будет дуть в лицо и удерживать вас в во...
Longer Ski Jumps: When you are doing the ski jump wait for the wind direction to go by 2 and a half times so it is facing down then hit box. You will have the wind at your face keeping you up.[b...
Successfully complete all online Co-Op Survival mode levels to unlock an automatic level 10 weapon that boosts all stats as long as your character is level 1...
Defeating the final Boss: When you start you will be in a room with a plasma cannon and an RPG. Grab them both, then tap the activation panel to enter the Boss room. After a short cinemati...
Drive through fence: If you hit the fence in Easter Land at a certain part you will go through it. Hit the end of the fence and you will perform a huge jump.