Slowmo speed setting: Choose the "Codes" selection on the options screen. Enter DEDMAN as a case-sensitive code to unlock the "Slowmo" setting under "Game Speed"...
Исключительные треки: В главном меню на секунду нажмите L1 +R1, а затем отпустите. Нажимайте Left, Right x7, Leftx5, чтобы услышать скрежещущий звук. Теперь отправляйтесь выбирать трек, и вы ...
Black & White mode: Enter this code at the main menu: Up, Up, Down, Down, B, B, Y, Y. It will make the board black & white to look more like the actual NY Times newspaper.
Challenge Mode: Once you've beaten the game go to the world map it doesn't matter which world. Then press the start button to have the pause menu coming up. Now press the following...
Defeating the first Boss: While fighting the first Boss, run around the big racks to restore your health. Keep repeating this to stay alive during the battle.
Выступление за других персонажей: Введите код для того персонажа, за которого хотите выступать, и начните игру. Высветите соответствующего обычного персонажа и вперед... Этот код можно исполь...
Level select: Press Left, Left, I, Right, Right, II, Up, Down, Up, Down at the cheat on the title. After entering the code, use up and down to change the world number.
Sound Test: To unlock a sound test for each of the 10 worlds, obtain a medal on all of the levels in that world. Medal objectives for all normal stages are displayed before beginning play ...