Выбор уровня Для начала зажмите кнопку бега и нажмите Select 10 раз подряд. После чего можете вводить коды для загрузки определенных уровней: Вверх, Select, кнопка бега - уровень 2 Вправо,...
Respawning treasure chest: When you meet Kahn for a second time in the Infernal Abyss, he will be plastered to a metal wall in a small room. Next to him is a small hallway that leads to fo...
Easy gold: Defeat the spider Boss in Everlight Temple. Use the elevator to exit. After you have the Netherworld Gate to this zone unlocked, return to the temple, and open the secret room a...
Begin the game by establishing one planet. Make the planet able to sustain life by supplying it with the appropriate equipment. Protect the planet from invasion by adding a ...
Победите Винсента (Fight Vincent): Когда Винсент (Vincent) собирается нападать, должен появится зеленый круг. Зайдите в этот круг, и он пропадет. Затем, начинайте бить его по лицу. Продолж...
Fight Vincent: When Vincent is about to attack, there should be a green circle. Step into the circle and he will miss. Then, start hitting his face. Keep repeating the process and he will ...