Enter next cheat codes as a driver name to unlock cheat features: Unlock expert class cars WheelToWheel - expert cars TheGoodStuff - classic cars TheLongHaul - endurance races Ge...
В пункте Special Features основного меню следующие вещи могут быть включены: 10 единиц Intel - картинки 2 10 единиц Intel - картинки 3 10 единиц Intel - картинки 4 10 единиц Intel -...
The following can be purchased from the [Special Features] menu. 10 Intel Points - Art: Part 2 10 Intel Points - Art: Part 3 10 Intel Points - Art: Part 4 10 Intel Points - Art: Par...
M468 assault rifle: At the "Press Start" screen, hold R1 and press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Square, Right, Circle, Left(2), Right, Square to unlock the M468 assault rifle. [b...
Cheat Codes (enter at Main or Pause menu while holding L1): Show all maps - X, Circle, Square, Triangle(x2), Circle, X. Show the ending - Square, Triangle, Square(x2), Circle(x2), X, Triangle...
Unlimited ammunition Intentionally have one member of your team get killed. Press Start and select the "Goto" feature. Because you just instructed the CPU to go to the same team ...
M08 Deep Magic Glitch First, start on MO8 using the two player mode. Stay on the roof and either you or your friend has to walk to any side of the helicopter pad where the drop-off is. Do not fa...