Пароли уровней: Уровень 2 - Y2QXMZNHNLLQLBLM9L Уровень 3 - GJ9ZP35TR0QQLBCV1N Уровень 4 - YWGBRDTTT00LLBHXWS Уровень 5 - H0SQTNVTW000VBHYNS Уровень 6 - 2111YQ7TY010ZBHVFS Финал ...
Stage Select: Beat the game on Combat Mode in Arcade Mode. 13 Ships Option: Beat the game on Combat Mode in Extra Mode. Extra Credits: At the Title Screen, press select up to nine times....
Access multiplayer bonus maps: In the first map, in the Options Menu/Language/Voices, select the "RAYMANIAN" language (don't validate it), keep L1 + R1 pressed and do the following...
Rabbit shootout games: In any rabbit shootout games, if you find anything that plays music (boombox, phonograph etc.), shoot it. It will begin to play music. If rabbits get too close to th...
Play as Mister Dark (Yes, from Rayman 1). Type DARK as a name, and save it in all the slots. Then, compile the script for being the Dark Rayman in te computer program, Pokescript. After it is...
Rayman Clone: Start a new game, and take you out of the Buccaneer. Then get to the place with a big hole and a cage. Don't brake the cage. Instead, do suicude by jumping down the bi...