Unlock Old Red: You have to successfully complete the career mode with Red Rocker. Unlock Old Blue: You have to successfully complete the career mode with Blue Bomber. Unlock Ben Hurt: You ha...
Bonus characters: Get both albums to "Platinum" rank in each stage of your career by completing all four songs and two challenges to unlock bonus characters. Get a "Platinum&qu...
Убийство врага: Если вы, играя, увидели что стреляться придется вам, то когда появится пистолет, который показывает на вас, нажмите комбинацию [Ctrl]+[Enter]. Теперь стреляться будет враг....
At the main menu, go to passwords, and then, using the D-pad, enter the password: LSTL2B - Unlock Black Bruiser 3CTNKS - Game Finished 6QT1KK - Unlock Pink Pummeller NMTZKQ - Unl...
Various cheats: Enter the following instrument button combination at the Main Menu of the game to unlock Ovation D-2010 Guitar: Orange, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Blue[br...
Unlock all songs cheat code: First, go on to rockband 2 and go down to the extras menu. Next, press unlock code and make sure you do this exact. to unlock all songs you have to press red, ...
At the main menu, select the "Extras" option. Choose the "Modify Game" selection, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note:...
All songs: At the "Press Start" screen, quickly press Red, Yellow, Blue, Red(2), Blue(2), Red, Yellow, Blue to unlock all songs. Note: This code disables saving.
All songs: Quickly press Red, Yellow, Blue, Red(2), Blue(2), Red, Yellow, Blue at the title screen when "Press Start" appears. Enabling this code will disable game saves.