Enter SCBCRS as a password. Press Start to pause game play to display the level selection screen. Note: The game cannot be completed normally when this code is enabled.[b...
Enter SCBCRS as a password. Press Start to pause game play to display the level selection screen. Note: The game cannot be completed normally when this code is enabled.[b...
Locate the fourth green globe on the Gambit stage. Position your character just to the left of the globe, then leap over it to go off the screen. Land back to where you ju...
Completion bonuses: Successfully complete the game as Spider-Man to unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's story mode. Collect all 50 Black Spider Tokens to get the black Spider-Man suit to wear...
Разблокировка режима Arena: Завершите игру для разблокировки режима Arena под дополнительные опции. Разблокировка костюма Черного Спайдермена: Нейтрализуйте Венома (Venom) в большой финаль...
Defeating Michael: When you are trying to open the boarded up windows, if you are far away from him he will do a long jump towards you. Then it takes him a few seconds to recover to attack.[b...
Unlockable cheats: Complete the story mode to unlock cheats for purchase in the store. You can activate them through the Extras menu. Always wear the black suit. Complete the story mode an...
Сейв программистов: Начните новую игру и назовите себя HCRAYERT затем вернитесь, и назовите себя как угодно. Игра начнется с 40% пройденным, 201,000 единиц героизма, с Swing Speed и Web Zi...
Programmer Save: When starting a new game, enter HCRAYERT as a name ('Treyarch' spelled backwards), then go back and enter any name of your choice. The game will start in progress,...
Играть за Stickyrice: Зайдите на экран специальных опций в главном меню и далее в меню читов. Введите там "stickyrice". Если вы правильно ввели код, то вы будете играть за голово...
Play as Stickyrice: Go to the special options screen in the main menu and go to the cheats menu. Then type in "stickyrice". If you typed in the code correctly you will play as St...