Completion bonus: Successfully complete the game to be able to replay the levels with everything already collected. You can now try to collect everything if any items were previously misse...
Level Select: Enter 9??92? as a password to unlock all levels, have 8 underwear icons, and 100% Dubloons in all levels. Enter ???91? as a password to unlock all levels under the easy diffi...
В главном меню выберите опцию Дополнительно (Extras option). Затем, выберите опцию Ввода кодов (Enter Codes) и введите один из нижеследующих кодов. Выберите "Активировать бонус" (Ac...
At the main menu, select the Extras option. Then, choose the Enter Codes selection and enter one of the following codes. Choose the Activate Bonus Items selection under the Extras menu to act...
Mystery Dies: To get Mystery to die, jump over a ridge. Before you fall, press R and let mystery fall. She will fall and disappear. To get her again you have to go where you first found he...
Enter these in the Unlock Codes screen in the options menu. Technus, Jimmy, traloc, Plankton - Colorless enemies SpongeBob, Tak, Jimmy, Danny - Enemies in red Dib...