Для того, чтобы можно было проще сохранять жизни, предлагаю код: 0 - все противники исчезают насовсем, но не советую использовать этот код слишком часто - игра надоест
Unlock Purimatchi, Matsuritchi, and Shitiketchi secret characters: Go to the "Challenge" option on the main menu. Earn gold medals on all the "Mini-games" and "Gotchi...
Bigger shop: When you are in your shop(s) and you are helping customers, if a princess comes in it indicates that your shop will probably get bigger unless it has already reached its peak ...
Actions with Carl: * Talk to Carl and he Repeats. * Poke him, he will shout and yell. * Tickle him he will laugh out loud. * Forget him and see him grumbling. * Pinch him and hear it...
Characters: Chester / Arche - View and finish them in extra events in Luke / Tear and Jade / Anise's stories Cless / Kratos - finish Lloyd and Collete’s Story Dhaos - finish every stor...
Glitch with Repede's Body Armor: Near the end of the game, there's a chance to synthesis an armor called "Aer Fragment", at the same time, there should be 2 synthesizable[br...
Game Unlockables: "Very Hard" Difficulty - Beat the game once "Unknown" Difficulty - Beat the game once Sound Test - Available at title screen after beati...
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