Press Up(3), B(2), Y(2), Select, Up, Left, Right, B, Up, Y(2) when the music begins at the Virgin logo screen. Enter the entire controller sequence before the logo disap...
Введите один из следующих кодов в секретном меню: HUDBEGONE - отключить HUD FROZPROF - Frozone получает 1,000 pts опыта FROZMASTER - Frozone получает все в максимальном коли...
Enter one of the following codes at secrets menu: HUDBEGONE - Disable HUD FROZPROF - Frozone gets 1,000 experience pts. FROZMASTER - Frozone has everything at max FROZBOO...
Enter these cheats on the Secrets option in the pause menu: Infinite Incredi-Power for Elastigirl: FLEXIBLE Infinite Incredi-Power for Mr. Incredible: SHOWTIME...