Elijah Wood Interview: Complete the game once to unlock the 'extras' menu at the title screen. From here you can access an interview with Elijahh Wood.
Соберите соответствующее количество кристаллических черепков, чтобы открыть следующее: Режим Галереи (Arcade Mode) - пройдите игру Шкура Синдер (Cynder character skin) - 60 кр...
Collect the appropriate amount of crystal shards to unlock the following: Arcade Mode - Finish the game Cynder character skin - 60 crystals Disco palette - 45 crystals[br...
Attributes: Attack magic has a property called 'attributes'. Its relationship to the enemy's attribute can significantly alter the damage that a spell deals. If your magic has ...
Неограниченное количество жизней: Чтобы все время иметь 9 жизней, на экране опций введите в качестве стартового мира - LTUS. Потом начните игру с произвольными остальными опциями. Потеряв жиз...
Easy Wins: (This cheat requires a TURBO PAD) To easily defeat bad guys, first select a special item, next select the person you want to attack. Now switch the semi-a...
Pause game play and press B, R, A, Select(2), Y, A, B, Y, A, B, Start. Resume game play and use one of the following controller actions to activate the corresponding che...
Pause the game play during any platform level. Press Up, Right, A, B, A, Down, Left, A, Down. Resume game play and enter one of the following controller actions for the...
Hint: The final battle: Enter the combination obtained from the computer earlier in the game. Then light all of the candles before quickly killing the opponent in the center of the screen before...
Дополнительное окончание (Alternate ending): успешно пройдите игру с Кйо (Kyo), Иори (Iori), и Рейджи (Reiji) в тойже самой команде. Чтобы увидеть разные окончания, успешно пройдите игру с...
Alternate ending: Successfully complete the game with Kyo, Iori, and Reiji on the same team. To see a different ending, successfully complete the game with Moe, Miu, and Jun at Master Oroc...