Twenty-five bazooka rounds Press A, B(2) on controller two, followed by Up(2), Left, Down on controller one, and then A on controller two when the wanted posters appear during the opening sequen...
Masquerade Costume for DGamer: First, go to Extras. Next, go to DGamer Codes. The code is #XUDX. Generally, enter X, Up, Down, X. A message will appear on the top screen if you did so.
Hold L + R + A at the Jaleco logo screen. Release the buttons when the "Press Start" text is displayed. Nortin and Orbot will be available on the character s...
Press Left, Up, Left, Up, Start, B, Right at the beginning of a level to jump to the next level. Press A at the beginning of a level that has already been completed to ...
Extra lives Jump on the second platform on level 1-2. Turn left and fire until a warp appears. Enter the warp, select the warp to the right and move right on the next screen to find an extra lif...
FALL FASTER When this code is activated, each time a piece is placed, the falling pieces will move faster. Select One Player from the Main Menu. Create a New Name. Enter the name as "2FAST4...
Invincibility: As Rick O' Connell, successfully get to Ahm Shere and go to middle of the place. Then pause game play and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, R1, R3, Triangle.