Пройти The Tank: Достигните любого ramp и стойте около танка. Используйте перчатку телекинеза, чтобы захватить патроны, это даст возможность атаковать ракетами.
Beating The Tank: Head for any ramp and stay out of the tank's sight. Use the telekinetic glove to grab the respawning ammunition to pounce the tank with rockets. Cortez wins, the t...
1853 Wild West level rewards: Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock The Colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.
Unlock View Credits Mode: Once you beat the game on Easy and save your game, the "View Credits" option will appear above the "View Statistics" option. You can then view the c...
Play as Dr. Aiden Krone: Enter the options menu, select "Multiplayer", "Model", then press Left to highlight Dr. Aiden Krone. Press Triangle, then enter "RXYMCPENCJ&q...
Press A, B, X, Y, A, B, X, Y, Start at the title screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. A debug menu with level select and music test options w...
Large Kills: To take out large amounts of enemies on the following levels just follow the instructions. (Note that these are only a few instances of "Large Kills." Experiment to find m...