Когда вы дойдете Downhill Jam в игре, вы откроете уровни New York, Hangar, Philadelphia, и Venice Beach из Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 в режимах "Free Skate", "Single Session&...
When you reach the Downhill Jam in the game, you will unlock the New York, Hangar, Philadelphia, and Venice Beach levels from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 in "Free Skate", "Sin...
All Cheats in the Game At the main screen hold R and press B DOWN A START START B A RIGHT B RIGHT A UP LEFT and the circle in the middle will spin round.then go in to options and turn the ...
Hint: Half pipe mode When you are playing half pipe mode, select Tony Hawk since he is very flexible and he can do hard tricks without falling. The other skaters are good, but Tony Hawk is...
Tony Hawk 2 levels: Unlock levels from Tony Hawk 2 for free skate, single session, and multi-player modes by Beating Downhill Jam you unlock: New York, Hangar , Philadelphia & Venice Beach...
RaidTheWoodshed - открыть все доски и одежду AdventuresOfKwang - открыть все соревнования FreeBozzler - открыть все рлики ImInterfacing - открыть всех скейтеров
At the main menu, select the Skateshop option, choose the Buy Stuff selection, then choose the Enter Code option. Then, enter the following codes to unlock the cheat:
В меню опций выберите Cheat Codes, после чего вводите следующие чит коды: grindXpert - помогает сохранять равновесие h!tchar!de - поездка на боку авто 2wheels! - отличное управление[b...
In the options menu select Cheat Codes. Enter the next cheat codes: grindXpert - Helps you keep balance when grinding h!tchar!de - Hitch a ride on the back of cars 2wheels! - Perfect ...
Unlock (Nearly) Everything: Enter watch_me_xplode as a code in the cheats menu to unlock all skaters, levels and cheats. This cheat doesn't work for gaps and boards, so you'll have to do...
Enter as a code in the cheats menu: WATCH_ME_XPLODE - all skaters, levels and cheats. This cheat doesn't work for gaps and boards, so you'll have to do those yourself. DOASUPER - infi...
Master code: Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter BARBARIAN to unlock all cheat options. The sound of money being collected will confirm correct code entry.