Successfully complete Story mode by beating all the pro challenges and Tony Hawk's final challenge. You can now buy any of the following cheat options in the Skate Lounge for $1,000 each....
Cheats - Enter any of the following codes to enable the corresponded cheat. Skate as... Code Jason Lee - chocolatecoveredpretzel Kevin Staab - mixitup Dad and Skater Jam Kid - s...
Unlock (Nearly) Everything: Enter watch_me_xplode as a code in the cheats menu to unlock all skaters, levels and cheats. This cheat doesn't work for gaps and boards, so you'll have to do...
Enter the options menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "ssa"as a code to unlock all skater childrens and famly member. If you entered the code correctly, you will[...
Enter the options menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "ssa"as a code to unlock all skater childrens and famly member. If you entered the code correctly, you will[...
YOHOMIES - открыть всех персонажей givemesomewood - открыть все доски Peepshow - открыть все ролики Roadtrip - открыть все уровни MAGICMISSILE - открыть все режимы игры
Insane Scores: Activate the cheats with MARKEDCARDS. Enter your level of choice. Turn on the Perfect Rail, Perfect Manual and Always Special. You will find every level has some sort of rail/edge...
Enter the options menu, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter "ssa"as a code to unlock all skater childrens and famly member. If you entered the code correctly, you will[...