Alternate costumes: Hold Z + L + R + C-Down and select exhibition mode. The sound of a bell will confirm correct code entry. The entrance costume of each wrestler will be available at the charac...
Выбор боксеров В меню SETUP MENU выберите опцию RESTORE FROM PASSWORD, затем введите E и две из следующих букв, для выбора вашего противника и вашего боксера: A Bruno Maseratti B Monsie...
Doggie Playdates: Connect with someone who is on your Friends List (or is playing Touch Pets in the same room as you) by selecting their name and and then choosing the dog you want to play...
Disappearance: Clean coin: On your second case "Disappearance", go by the candy machine in the shopping plaza. Check the place on the machine where you put money. You will get a coi...
Откройте соответствующего игрока - Играйте в одном уровне на протяжении 20 минут без отдыха Откройте совершенство! - Найдите каждую подбираемую вещь в одиночной игре Откройте Счет...
Unlock Fit Player - Play a level for 20 minutes without resting Unlock Perfect! - Find every pickup in the single player game Unlock Score! - Score 100,000,000 points ...
Bonus lives Reach the first green soldier and position your character in front if him. Keep firing and killing him repeatedly as replacements appear. An extra life will be awarded for every hund...
В время загрузки трассы вводите: вверх, вниз, влево, вправо, А - все машины и трассы вправо, влево, влево, А - играть без нитро вправо, влево, А - бесконечное нитро
While playing a game, hold: L + White + R + Black + click Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick for at least three seconds, then enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat fun...