Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. Aurora: Form a rainbow supertrism. Blackout: Surround a black Trism with rainbows on all three sides. Bombsquad: Disarm...
Highlight the "General Manager" option on the setup screen and press C. Select the custom players option, highlight an empty location on the roster, and press...
Big Gloves - Catch a ball that is going over the fence. Big Bat - Hit two consecutive homeruns. Small Players - Get more than eleven hits in one game. Fast Players - Steal three bases with...
Другие большие создания: Большее создание может быть получено расположением четырех маленьких. Если например выстроить два белых и одно синее создание в линию, а затем расположить красное соз...
Other large creatures: A larger character can be created by arranging four smaller ones side by side. For example, placing two white and one blue characters in one line, and then a red cre...
В меню ввода чит кодов вводите: CITYBEACONS - открыть все TEAROUND - всегда выигрывать IWISH - отключить таймер TRAVOLTA - турбо INFLATEDEGO - большие головы
Race as Resident Evil 2 Characters: At the Title screen, press Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Circle, Square, Circle. Then at the Character Selection screen in Free Mode, press L2 or R2 to ch...
Enter the following at the Cheat screen to get the corresponding effect: inflatedego - Big head mode travolta - Power-up moves iwish - Unlimited time tearound - Always win[b...