When creating a liscence plate, enter the following things: code Result HARA - Play as asian worker B00Z - Play as Bum M1K3 - Play as Commando FUZZ - Play as cop TFAN - Play as ...
На экране CompStat/Map удерживайте L + R и нажмите: B, X, A, X(2), Y - бесконечные патроны B, X, A, X, A, B - бесконечная выносливость A(2), X, A(3) - двойной урон[...
At the CompStat/Map screen hold L + R and press: B, X, A, X(2), Y - Unlimited ammunition B, X, A, X, A, B - Unlimited endurance A(2), X, A(3) - Double damage X(2), Y, X, ...
В экране CompStat/Map, держите L + R, и нажмите: X, B, X, B - все музыкальные треки (2), B, (3) - удвоенное повреждение X, B, (2), Y, X - легкий режим B...
At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press next cheat combinations: X, B, X, B - All music tracks A(2), B, A(3) - Double damage X, B, A(2), Y, X - Easy mode B...
Выбор уровня: На титульном экране выберите опцию Start/Options, затем на контроллере 2 нажмите одновременно RIGHT + C + Start. Появится меню выбора уровня. Продолжая удерживать кнопки, ...
Hold Right + C + Start on controller two at the title screen. A level selection icon will be displayed.. Press Right + C + Start to change levels and press Start to b...
While playing the game, click Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick while pressing Back + Start to unlock a menu with various cheats, including extra money, 100% tourism rating, rebel uprisi...
Various cheats: These are typed in the cheat code menu. these codes are not case sensitive. enter the cheat once to enable it. enter the cheat a second time to disable it.