Hint: Sudden Death Match Play a game of UNO with three CPU players and first to 100 points. The winner will be the first one to run out of cards and no other rounds.
Attraction mode: Get all eight stamps then talk to Woody Woodpecker near the globe. Select the magic show when you talk to him. Allow the credits to finish, then return to the title screen. The ...
Secret Warriors and Mayhem Backgrounds: Beat Strategy Mode on Normal level with each side. The Arcane victory will release the Menhir Circle, the Teknos, the Dark Maze.
Toggle Music - At the Main Menu of Disc 1, press R1 + R2 + Start. View Grand Theft Auto 2 Codes - At the Main Menu of Disc 1, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. View Sled Storm Codes - At the Main Menu...
Enter the "Rewards menu. Enter the appropriate section, highlight one of the following options, then enter the code when prompted to unlock the corresponding item: Concept Art: Bonus ...
Когда покажется логотип Infogramme (Infogramme Logo) нажмите Вверх, Вниз, Треугольник, Круг, Вверх, Вниз, Треугольник и Круг. Появится слово "lockoff". теперь Вы можете вводить любо...
When the Infogramme Logo appears press UP, DOWN, Triangle, Circle, UP, DOWN, Triangle and Circle. The word "lockoff" will appear. Now you may enter any of the following "Codes":...
Играть за монстра: Из главного меню, войдите VS MODE. Переместите курсор на 1P VS COM, и нажмите Ls+left+A. Выберите монстра, который вам нужен. В игре вы будете играть за монстра против У...