Getting allies for your party: You can get allies for your party in the Targus Guild. It costs 500g for the first ally, 1,000g for the second, etc. When in the guild, go to the woman with ...
Монстры становятся очень сильными: Пройдите игру и в конце финальных титров у вас будет возможность для сохранения. Сохраните и после этого сразу загрузите игру. Идите к входу в тюрьму и п...
Secrets: Monster becomes Super strong Beat the game and at the end of the credits, you will have a choice to save. Save and load your game. Go to the entrance of the prison and talk to the[br...
Extra Human Class Experience for Weapons: Right after the Minotaur battle in the Wine Cellar, you can use a training dummy to practice your chain combos. This dummy counts as human experience on...
Cheat Mode: During gameplay, hold R1 and press LEFT(x2), Square(x2), Circle, R2, RIGHT, Triangle, L2. Now, pause the game and at the bottom of the Options Menu you will find the cheat selection....
Cheatmode: Select the "Continue" option at the main menu, then enter TONYGOLD as a name to unlock a cheat menu with options for level selection, sound test, and difficulties. ...
Hidden artwork: Place the game disc in a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and enter the "Folder Padding 1" folder. Extract the files in the .ZIP file in the folder to find screenshots from t...