Skip Race To skip any race, head to the Fernando Velez and Guillaume Dubail page and press and hold: Up, L, R, B, and A. Then, during any race, press Up and Select to skip that race.
(Need for Speed 6: V-Rally 2) All Cars and Trophies: At the Game Progress screen, press L1, R1, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, X, X + Select. If done correctly, you will hear a...
(Need for Speed 6: V-Rally) At the while intro screen, when the infogrames logo appears, quickly press UP, DOWN, Triangle + Circle. The message "Lock Off" will appear. Now press any of...
Пароли: Эти пароли позволят вам стартовать на уровне со всеми самолетами, включая X-2. Utah M79-LQG-77K Arizona 5KK-LQG-77K Texas MS7-LQG-77K Gulf of Mexico 1AD-LQG-77K Colorado 1...
Passwords: These password will let you start on any mission with all planes including the X-2. Utah M79-LQG-77K Arizona 5KK-LQG-77K Texas MS7-LQG-77K[...
Cheat mode: Select "Personal Info" at the main menu. Select the "Manage Users" option. Then, select the "Change Name" option. Enter one of the following names to...
Бесконечные жизни: Во время паузы нажимайте: X, R, L, A(2), X, Y, Белая, B, L, R, Черная, Вверх(2), Вниз, Влево, Вправо Внимание: Может не получится с первого раза.
Unlimited lives: Pause game play, then press X, R, L, A(2), X, Y, White, B, L, R, Black, Up(2), Down, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If it does not work at fir...
Birthday Cake: When your Birthday has come (From the DS' Internal Clock), you will get a Birthday Cake. The Birthday cake has Romance and Happy Sweets, and you get a Dog Egg or a Cat E...
Alternate Title Screen: Obtain a 100% completion in your file to get an alternate title screen featuring the Pinata Central. (Certificates do NOT count towards completion percentage) [b...