В главном меню вводите следующие чит коды: (Вверх, Вниз)x5, (Влево, Вправо)x5 - получить все X(4), B(4), Y(4), X, B, Y - выбор уровня Вверх(2), Влево(2),...
At the main menu press next cheat codes: Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right - Give All
Trophies Acrobat (Bronze) Perform each trick (except Balance and Slide) 10 times in completed missions Astronaut (Bronze) Collect 100 stars in a single Action Chain Avid Co...
Speed Boost: To get a speed boost in Konami Krazy Racers, press the A button down the exact same time the 4th head glows when you are starting the race. If you do it correctly, you will st...
Omake mode: Win the World Queen Contest to unlock the "Omake" option at the starting menu. It will be the lowest option on that screen. Select that option to create a new charact...
All tracks and Bosses: Select the "Cheats" option at the main menu. Enter "WACKYGIVEAWAY" as a code, then enable that cheat at the "Code Collection screen.
Чит коды: MONKEYSPOILERS - доступны все гонщики и автомобили CHIMPGIVEAWAY - открыть все трассы и соревнования FASTCARSAGOGO - уровень сложности - Нечестный GADGETCLEAROUT - получить ...
Cheat mode: Press L + R, C-Left, C-Right, L + R. Press Start, then hold Z and repeatedly tap L at the mode selection screen (the phrase "Cheat Mode" will show if you did it correctly)[...