Играть за Mecha-Sweet Tooth: Загрузите файл сохранения с карты памяти от Twisted Metal: Black. Появится сообщение о том что Mecha-Sweet Tooth открыт. Вы будете играть за Agamo, выберите ко...
Play as Mecha-Sweet Tooth: Use a memory card with a saved file from Twisted Metal: Black. A message stating that Mecha-Sweet Tooth will appear when the game loads. Then, play as Agamo and ...
CHEAT MENU On the screen where it says "Midway presents War Gods," press Right three times, B, B, A, A. The screen will flash if done correctly. If you go under Options, there should b...
Enter one of the following binary codes at the "Secret Codes" screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. To use a cheat, pause the game, and turn it on at the "Code E...
Jukebox option: Quickly press Left, Down(2), Right, Up, Right(4), Up, Circle at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The "Jukebox" option will now be unlock...
Reset the SNES after a game is in progress. Quickly press Up, Down, Up, Down, Select, Start on controller two when the American Sammy logo appears. Select the "Cont...
Select "Bonus Features" at the main menu, then choose "Cheats". Enter one of the following passwords menu to unlock the corresponding cheat: WALL-E, Auto, EVE, ZPM ...
Select "Bonus Features" at the main menu, then choose "Cheats". Enter one of the following passwords menu to unlock the corresponding cheat. WALL-E, Auto, EVE, ZPM ...
In conjunction with the cheats, if you get an Incorrect Code message, you have to enter the codes in a specific area. The area is designated by a number:
После того как спасете ребенка, отправляйтесь на место, где слон проломил дверь. Слева от них вы сможете увидеть воду. Прыгайте в нее, чтобы попасть в секретный уровен...