Unlockable Character Minigames: To unlock the character minigames you must score 30 or more points for each character to unlock there minigame. To receive the minigame, touch Orbulan's...
Misspell "twisted" at the start menu: At the start menu when it says Wario Ware Twisted wait about a second and little pink things will come out. If you wait a little bit they`ll...
Unlockable: Minigames: Balloon Trip - You must finish Dr Crygor's workout stage. Block Star - You must finish Young Cricket's Microgames. Can Shooter - You must finish ...
Level Warp: In order to use this trick, you must get to the item box in-between levels. There will be a little white block before the end of level 3. Get on the block and push down. Hol...
Unlock Super Hard Difficult Setting: First you must complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting. Then, when you start a new game, the Super Hard setting ...
Unlock Super Hard Difficult Setting First you must complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting. Then, when you start a new game, the Super Hard setting can now be selected.
Extra lives Press Start to pause game play, then press Select(16). If done correctly, a blinking square will appear around the last digit of the number of your remaining lives. Hold A + B ...
Super Cheat: Pause the game. Press SELECT 16 times. A box should appear over your lives. Hold A and B, move the box with left and right, and up and down changes the number. When you'...
Тяжелый уровень сложности - пройдите игру на нормальном уровне сложности Выбор уровня (легко) - пройдите игру на легком уровне сложности Выбор уровня (тяжело) - пройдите игру на тяжелом уровн...