Press Start at the logo and wait for Wayne and Garth to begin singing. Press X + L + R, Up + Y +B. Press Select to change the level number that appears at the bottom o...
FIGHT MORE! To make the players even more prone to fighting, go the the Options screen, hold L and press right C, left C, left C, right C, bottom C, top C, top C, bottom C, left C, right C, righ...
FIGHT To guarantee that tempers will flare, go to the Options screen, hold the L Button and press the following buttons: right C, left C, left C, right C, bottom C, top C, top C, bottom C, left ...
Космическая игра: Хитрость со скрытой космической игрой гораздо проще проделать вдвоем с товарищем. На экране выбора персонажа, выберите персонажа вторым джойстиком и одновременно зажмите A, ...
Space Game: The trick to play the hidden space game is much easier to do with two people. At the character-select screen, pick a character on Controller Two and simultaneously press and ho...
All characters: Enter the character customization screen and highlight the "Name Selection" option. Quickly press L1, R1, R2, L2, L1, R1, R2, L2, Square. Press Left or Right to select ...
Restore Health (USA Version) Press Start to go to to the sword menu. Hold L1 + L2, then press Down, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Circle. This will restore your health to full.
Reverse Time Trials: Unlock the reverse courses by getting first on expert. Once this is done, enter time trials and a new reverse option will be available. This offers time trial scores c...
EARN POINTS EASILY Cheat your way to the top of the list! This trick allows you to earn extra points in the Stunt Mode without having to complete a lot of stunts. During the Stunt Mode, if you p...
Cheats: Plug controllers into both PlayStation ports before you boot the game. Hold down Start on controller two (the right one) while the game loads. Press L1, R1, R2, L1, Select, and Start at ...
Все предметы Когда нанимаете солдатов или одеваете вещи, зажмите вверх/влево + А + В. Если все было сделано правильно, то вам станут доступны все предметы.
Пройдите игру на любом уровне сложности чтобы открыть: Специальный режим миссии, Выживающий режим, Очень Трудный уровень сложности, Выбор Голоса Адъютанта (только в режиме обучения), Выбор[br...