Acquire More Challenges:Get Jack Knife - Ten and Twenty Second Workout Get Parallel Stretch - Thirty and Sixty Second Workout Get Press-up - Six and Ten Reps Workout
Expert Difficulty: Get a Gold Medal under the Easy, Medium and Hard difficulty settings on one exercise to unlock the Expert difficulty setting for the same exercise.
Photo Channel hints: At the photo viewer menu, use the Wii-mote to select the cat that appears on the top title bar before it runs away. He will tell you hints about the system. If you ...
1)в паузе со второго джойстика (звуковой сигнал) A,B,Вверх,Вниз,Вверх,Вниз,A,B,Влево,Вправо,Влево,Вправо,A,B,A,B,A,A,A,A после смерти и взятии континуу будет 2 жизни Если 2 раза подряд набрат...
More energy Intentionally die immediately after starting game play. Continue the game to restart with another energy tank. Repeat this process again to start with three tanks.
Wallets Collect the wallet in the garbage in Eddy's office. Exit the building and collect the wallet on the sidewalk. Re-enter the building and collect another wallet from the garbage. Repea...
Hold Up/Left + X + B + Start at the "Start/Options" screen until it fades away. Unlimited energy will be available after game play begins. Press Start + Sele...
U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, S, O, T - все бонусные уровни T, S, O, T, D, R, U, L, L1, L1, R, R, D, U, R1, O, L, S, S, D - все герои S, S, S, L1, R, D, T, U, L, O, S, D, U, R1, L1, D, D - все уров...
Infinite Combo Chain: In any area where there's a hub with a grinder (Where you toss Redmond in and pull the chain while he gets ground in the gears) you can perform a very interest...