All Planes: To get all planes in the free game mode enter the following on the Game Mode Screen - UP(x2), DOWN(x2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, X, Triangle.
Easy money: Only upgrade the small red plane, and focus all of your money towards turning. After a few turning upgrades, the Conk Island Balloon Tourney will be very easy. Play the Conk Is...
Hold L + R + Select + Start on controller two and press Start on controller one at the title screen. A cheat menu with series, mission, invincibility, song, sound effect...
Level Select: At the WING COMMANDER copyright screen, press UP, DOWN(x2), UP, R2 to access the cheat screen. If done correctly you will be taken to a level select screen. Choose your level with ...
Меню отладки: Вот хитрость которая позволит просмотреть все ролики из игры статистику, флаги и кучу другой информации. Чтобы получить это зайдите в "New Game/Continue" зажмите L,...
Debug Menu: Here's a hot trick that will let you view all the game's video clips as well as object stats, system flags, and tons of other info. To access, go to the "New Game/...
Unlock Secrets Menu: At the main menu select "Options." At the Options screen press and hold Square and press UP, Circle, DOWN, Circle, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, Circle. If you entered...