Cheat Codes (enter as default name): WIZZPIG - All circuits AVINIT - All teams THEHAIR - All challenges MOONFACE - Unlimited hyperthrust GEORDIE - Unlimited shields and thrust[b...
Type in the following codes during gameplay: Infinite Energy-Hold down Z, L, and R, then press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right. Infinite Time-Hold down Z + L + R,...
Blooms Strong Attack: Hold A as long as desired to do a strong attack. If you want to do a powerful or weak attack, press B. The flower symbol is representing Flora's special attack, t...
Classic teams: Win the Puma Cup championship with the indicated team to unlock the classic version of that team: Argentina: Classic Argentina Brazil: Classic Brazil England: Class...
Unrestful Rest: Нахождение танков: Подобно большим орудиям Берты, танки изолированы на большое расстояние. На вашей карте в круге вы должны искать еще круг, сделанные линиями, указывающие ...
Unrestful Rest: Finding the tanks: Like the Big Bertha cannons, the tanks are sequestered safely away. On your map, in the circle you need to search, there is a circle made by the lines th...