Tap the screen at four different areas simultaneously to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes, then tap "Return" to activate the corresponding...
Hold R on controller two while powering on the SNES. Release the button at the title screen and begin a new game at the normal skill level. Pause game play and enter one of...
Tap and hold all four main menu options at the same time until a virtual keyboard appears. Alternately, tap and hold four points on the screen during game play to display the virtual keyboard...
Чтобы ввести эти коды, поставьте игру на паузу затем переместите курсор на опцию NEW GAME и нажмите C. GREG - Неуязвимость, все виды оружия и ключи NOKITTY - Режим Бога BURGER - Все клю...
To enter these codes, pause the game then move the cursor to the NEW GAME option and press C. GREG - Invincibiliy, all weapons and keys NOKITTY - God Mode BURGER - All keys[br...
Successfully complete the game to unlock the cheat menu with "Infinite Money", "Pumpkin Heads", "Unlock All Veil Powers", and "Unlock All Weapons" options...
Begin a new game and defeat the Mutant Birdman at the end of the first level. Hold A + B + Start before the screen fades. Release the buttons when the next level starts....
Full health: Pause the game, then rotate the D-pad in a full circle at least three times. Select the "Achievements" option at the menu. Press B to exit that screen. Select the &q...
Новый уровень: Если, помимо уровней Apprentice, Wizard, Sorceror, Вы хотите сыграть еще на одном - Super Wizard, то выполните следующие действия. Переведите игру в режим паузы и нажмите...
Новый уровень Если, помимо уровней Apprentice, Wizard, Sorceror, Вы хотите сыграть еще на одном - Super Wizard, то выполните следующие действия. Переведите игру в режим паузы и нажмите A, B, ...
The best party to beat this game is 3 Fighters, a Cleric, Mage and Thief. Don't bother with having Samari, or Wizards, they take too long to advance in levels. [br...
The Skeleton Key is the third thieves' guild power and to start off, like all other guilds, you must acquire the statue from that guild. To find it; in t...
Unlimited gems Use the red key to enter the red door on level two. Move all the way up and break the gem block to collect a total of five gems. Move left and fall down to the bottom of the level...
Extra money Begin a new game, and buy as many daggers as possible from Boltac's Trading Post. Save the game, reset the NES, then enter POGGSY as a password. Return to Boltacs Trading Post an...
When you are early and weak walk in the first room with 4 good or evil (not neutral) Knights a Thief and a Cleric. Just walk around and keep fighting and heal with the Cleric only...
Hold A + B + C and press Start(2) at the Sega logo. The word "Yeah" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. A "Super Wizard" selection will no...