Complete the following goals to get the corresponding bonus: All weapon crates have sheep -- Earn gold medal in Crazy Crates training mode. Aqua sheep -- Earn gold medal in Super Sheep Racing...
All weapons: Display the weapon selection menu during game play. Highlight the "Skip-Go" option, then press A, but do not activate it. Return to to the weapon selection without m...
Home runs: Find an enemy worm standing fairly close to the edge of the level. Use the baseball bat to hit him into the water to get a "home run" complete with baseball bat cracking so...
Easter Egg in Carpet Capers: In Carpet Capers in Story mode, there is a tower with an enemy called Egg on it. Parachute down to the bottom of that tower where there is a hole. Collect the ...
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worms3d - открыть 2 маленьких остров CANDY - 3 подводных лодки paradisecity - уровень с мостом marijuana - замороженные острова peopleindastreet - остров зомби