Extra levels: Get 100 points in each of the eight stages (except the secret stages) in the indicated World (800 total points) to unlock the corresponding Extra level. To do this, you must ...
Select Vs. mode and set the Mode option to "COM". Hold L + R + X and press Start to begin game play. Yoshi's name will be spoken to confirm correct c...
Press Up, Right, Down, Left, Y, B, Up, Right, Down, Left, B, Y, Up, Right, Down, Left, Start at the title screen. Note: This code does work, but may require severa...
Level select Enter Square, Cross, Square, Square as a password. The game will begin on level 240. You can go farther but that is the last password in the game.
Создайте профиль и назовите его: MAXCNT 9 - дополнительные продолжения (9 на уровень) data.setvis 1 - открыть все корабли в базе данных lvl.activate 1 - открыть все уровни
Hidden course: Select the Himalaya track on the easy difficulty setting. Enter the "skeleton" tunnel, and turn to follow the alternate route to the left. Collect the medallion to unloc...
Cheat mode: Press Left(5), Up(5), Right(5), Down(5), Select(5) at the title screen. All levels and bonuses will be unlocked. To access the sound test, hold A and press Left or Right to mak...
Alternate costume Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A at the "Press Start" screen. Wolverine say something to confirm correct code entry. The new costume allows ...
Бонусные костюмы: Соберите все файлы Weapon X с символом, чтобы деблокировать их уличный костюм. Соберите все Sentinal Тех с символом, чтобы деблокировать их комический костюм.