Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour bonuses: Note: This requires another Nintendo DS with Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour. Select the "Wireless Connection" option in both systems simutane...
Enter these codes at the title screen: Yami Yugi - R, LEFT, B, RIGHT, Up and R, RIGHT, DOWN, A Kaibaman - DOWN, B, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, R, Up and R, A Yami Bakura - L, DOWN, RIGHT, LEF...
Rare cards: When you put in a new name such as "GOD OF CARDS" or "HEARTOFCARDS", you will get a rare card such as Tri-Horn Dragon. If you enter "KONAMI" as a gam...
Поменять вступительное окно: Если вы еще не проходили игру, то цвет вступительного окна будет обычный, то есть синий. Но после прохождения игры цвет станет фиолетовым. Вы можете сменить ег...
Changing the title screen: If you haven't beaten the game, the color of the title screen is normally blue. But after you beat the game, the color switches to purple. You can change it ...
Password mode On every Duel Monsters card is an eight-digit password on the lower left corner directly below the card's picture. Enter this code at the "Password" option on t...
Teleport onto roofs: You can make your through those annoying buildings much faster if you got Hiei. Just use the Teleport ability on the sides or the back of a building or elevated plataf...