Sudden Death stage: Win the Robo Cup, then enter one of the laboratories on the upper floor of NeoBrain. Talk to the scientist facing the glass and defeat him to unlock the Sudden Death st...
Нажмите Start, чтобы поставить игру на паузу, затем нажмите "Z" и нажимайте: B, B, A, Y, B - обезьяний режим X, A, A, A, B - феска и роликовые коньки Y, Y, B, A, A - обратная гра...
Press start to pause game play, then hold Z and press: B, B, A, Y, B - Ape mode X, A, A, A, B - Fez and rollerskates Y, Y, B, A, A - Reversed gravity A, X, X, Y, A - Unlimited banan...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Bond of Alliance (5 очков): сыграть игру 2 на 2 alliance против online opposition. Designation of Horseman (20 очков): 5 успешных побед против online oppositi...
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore: Proof of Victory (5) - Achieve 1 victory against online opposition. Proof of Discipline (10) - Achieve 10 victory against online oppo...
Level passwords: Stop Igor 0024 Truck To Rebel Base 0038 Subway 0349 The Lab 0377 Try For Stealth 0427 Take Raptor Into Zone 0505 Nuclear Warning At 30oC 0612 Parachute Over...
Choose your character at different worlds. Input these passwords to choose your character before the start of each world. World 1: 0202 World 2: 1407 World 3: 2704 World 4: 0108[b...
Accomplishment Awards Complete the following tasks during the 5 cases to earn an award. Awards can viewed on your PDA by first selecting "Case File", and then choosing "Statistics...
Как заработать Microsoft-очки? За решение каждого дела вам будет выдаваться по 200 Microsoft-очков: Case 1 - "Burning for You" (200) Case 2 - "Double Down" (200) Cas...
Unlock all cases: When you start a new game, create a new profile by entering CONFESSION as the name of your investigator. Then use your PDA and got to the "Options". Choose the ...
Hint: Easy experience After first starting the game, go to the field above the first town and defeat the monsters. Then, go in a cave or go back in town. Return to the field and fight the ...
Location select: Hold A + B on controller one and press A on controller two during game play to jump to a new location. Keep pressing A to visit up to ten different game locations.