While playing the game, click Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick while pressing Back + Start to unlock a menu with various cheats, including extra money, 100% tourism rating, rebel uprisi...
Various cheats: These are typed in the cheat code menu. these codes are not case sensitive. enter the cheat once to enable it. enter the cheat a second time to disable it.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. Aurora: Form a rainbow supertrism. Blackout: Surround a black Trism with rainbows on all three sides. Bombsquad: Disarm...
Highlight the "General Manager" option on the setup screen and press C. Select the custom players option, highlight an empty location on the roster, and press...
Big Gloves - Catch a ball that is going over the fence. Big Bat - Hit two consecutive homeruns. Small Players - Get more than eleven hits in one game. Fast Players - Steal three bases with...
Другие большие создания: Большее создание может быть получено расположением четырех маленьких. Если например выстроить два белых и одно синее создание в линию, а затем расположить красное соз...